In these uncertain times, how do you know if your home, office or place of business is safe? It seems like there are more questions than answers and not knowing who to turn to can be agonizing. But there IS someone you can call.
The trusted team at PureSpace can assess and decontaminate your home or building, getting you back to “normal” faster, and keeping you safer. With our four-step process, PureSpace can clean, sanitize and test your home or facility, giving you the peace-of-mind you deserve.
Step 1 – UV Light treatment
Using the most efficient handheld UV light wand available today, we will treat all “High Contact Surfaces” to kill viruses and bacteria.
Step 2 – BioSweep Dry Hydrogen Peroxide Gas Treatment
Oxidizers excel at destroying viruses and bacteria, and BioSweep is the most powerful commercially available oxidation treatment available. While there is no current test for viruses like Covid-19, BioSweep has been proven to create an environment inhospitable to viruses and bacteria in independent testing.
Step 3 – Disinfecting Wipe
Once the BioSweep treatment is underway, a follow up disinfecting wipe down will be performed on all High Contact Surfaces.
Step 4 – Testing (optional)
While there is no test for Covid-19 specifically, we can test for the presence of viruses and bacteria to prove an amazingly clean space. This testing is performed in real time. If testing is of interest to you, please inquire at the time of assessment.